Studies show that snoring and breathing pauses occur more frequently when lying on your back than when lying on your side (so-called position-dependent snoring / sleep apnea syndrome). Because especially in this sleeping position, the lower jaw and tongue fall back. The soft tissue can flutter loudly in the air flow and thus creates the annoying snoring noise. Our proven positioning aids effectively prevent lying on your back and encourage you to sleep on your side or stomach.
Positioning therapy (so-called position therapy) can have a desirable training effect. After a while, most users no longer have to wear the positioning aids constantly every night. Our supine position prevention products can also be used to support patients who are already using other aids against snoring and sleep apnea at night, such as breathing masks, anti-snoring splints or nasal dilators.

Dr. med. Fahri Yildiz - ENT specialist & developer
"Finally sleeping peacefully"
I am now using my almost 30 years of experience as an ENT doctor in the field of diagnosis and therapy of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea to develop a new generation of prefabricated mandibular advancement splints. They are effective, inexpensive and the perfect introduction to individual splint therapy.